A love triangle between LOVE-HEART and IMPERFECTION for all the sweet couple.

It was another cosy night. She was snuggled in bed laying her head on the fluffy pillow. It pondersĀ over again into her headā€ I should not have said this to him, I should have been a bit polite with himā€. He always calls her ā€˜Loveā€™. This was not her actual name but she liked it more than her real name. This naming convention is on both sides. She calls him ā€˜HEARTā€™. Apparently, both love each other. It was not love-at first sight.

Eleven years ago, he saw her first time in her house. She came out from the bath with bit wetness in her hair. She was looking sedate in her pink dress. As she started talking to him, her chirpy voice was all over the room.He was speechless.

He saidā€ yesā€, when his mum asked: –

Do you like the girl? Will you marry her?

He couldnā€™t sleep all night though after saying yes to mum.

What??????????? Ā Why I said ā€˜yesā€™,(don’t know why) it was just an hour meeting with her.

And he is captive now, as there was no ROLLBACK šŸ™‚

Mum already called her parents and she will be her soulmate with in few days.

He was thinking about his facial expression on the wedding day. would he be cheerful or despondent?

Or a quizzical face will work.

They got married but it was no-where near to happily married afteršŸ˜Š

The first step is to know each other and next steps are to like each other šŸ˜Š

So, they left with only one condition, love and like each other FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The journey was nor smooth neither prickly or rough. Love tried knowing about HEART. He was kind and talkative. His speech was eloquent, for him nothing was light, everything was in detail and complex.

She was vivacious, dreamer and carefree. Unlike him, she didnā€™t understand complexity. Her life was casual than planned.

Both wanted to change each other to be a perfect and always wanted to correct each otherā€™s imperfection.19f9ae19f43c7ca2c4a1853a204c8ed2-perfectly-imperfect-disney-cruiseplanImprovement is always good but when correction turns into reproach than it hurts. It became a sense of disparage which felt more like INSULT. In relationship many times we forgot the value of a magical word ā€˜APPRECIATIONā€™.

Years have been passed, every day He and She fight for perfection, for improvement. Both wanted to improve each other but instead, their daily wrangle for improvement took them to speak with disrespect and road to perfection brought them to an imperfect close where they choose only to speak up to profanity. After every brawl, only one thought came in their mind which makes them ponder,ā€ I should not have said this, I should have been a bit politeā€.

Both love each other and wants to do well in search of perfection but instead, the relation became sour with rage.

Twilight brought the brawl and today is yet another day when she thought of being polite to him. He certainly is thinking same way while changing sides on bed.it will be the same sleepless night for theĀ loving couple.


24 Comments Add yours

  1. MissHarleyRose says:

    Fantastic read šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      thanks dear for stopping by:-)


  2. Just Julie says:

    Nice post, thank you for sharing, love is imperfect at its core.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      so true!! wise words!! thanks for comment


  3. Michelle says:

    Great post. Real love is when you love everything about your partner even their imperfections.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      Lovely words from you dear… no one is perfect !!


  4. maryosadolor says:

    Marriage is a beautiful ride and the road can sometimes be very bumpy . The way we tackle the bumpy part of it is very crucial. This is a lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      Rightly said!! It is beautiful ride and should be tackled nicely.


  5. Em Nia says:

    A great read ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      thanks, dear!!


  6. I read a quote this morning that reminded me of the awesomenest of marriage and the well you relate that relationship makes me realized how priviledge I am to have an amazing husband. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      Oh, so sweet!! May you have many years of togetherness!! thank you for reading it!!


  7. Love is very complex, it takes time, understanding and true connection.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      Indeed, it does take time and patience. thanks for stopping by:-)


  8. prasna says:

    this is how every relationship should be. after all who doesn’t fight.. If you are literally having a happily ever after, you are lying! mending things and moving on is relationship

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      a sweet and sour relationship is the essence of happy married life.thanks for your lovely message dear

      Liked by 1 person

  9. erussell1982 says:

    It’s so important to keep improving ourselves and to remember to be kind to our significant other!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      agree, it certainly vital.


  10. ragordon2017 says:

    Story was a little hard to follow at first, but I love the overall theme and I agree – love takes time to fully develop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      glad to have your comment. It defines that I have to improve my writing to make it easily understandable. I would love to have your in my comment box always. thanks


  11. Erica Q says:

    This is a great article. You should never try to change anyone. Either you work for each other or you don’t. Improvement is great though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      yeah, improvement is vital for success and everyone needs their own time.thanks for thoughtful message dear.


  12. Silver Maze says:

    I agree that improvement is always good in a relationship. It’s never good to try and correct and change a person into someone they aren’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kickstart123 says:

      I accord your words..thanks for your comment dear.


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